Jiangxin Sun

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Mater of Engineering,
School of Computer Science and Engineering,
Sun Yat-sen University,
Email: sunjx5@mail2.sysu.edu.cn

[CV] [Google Scholar]

About me

I am currently a research assistant in CV Lab at ETH Zurich advised by Prof. Fisher Yu. I obtained my master's degree from Sun Yat-sen University in 2023, where I was supervised by Prof. Wei-Shi Zheng & Prof. Jian-Fang Hu. Before that, I obtained my bachelor's degree from Sun Yat-sen University in 2020. I am looking for a Ph.D. position.

I was fortunate to work as a research intern at Microsoft Research Asia advised by Dr. Chunyu Wang and at Huya Inc advised by Dr. Xintong Han. Besides, I was lucky to have worked closely with Prof. Wenjun Zeng and Prof. Jianguo Zhang.

My research interests lie in Computer Vision and Machine Learning. My goal is to develop perceptual systems to achieve human-level recognition capabilities and build intelligent decision-making systems to interact with complex environments. Currently, my focus is on interpretable autonomous driving system, semantic/instance segmentation prediction and human motion prediction.


Sun Yat-sen University

Research Experience

Publications (* Equal Contribution)

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